Common Cat snake

Boiga trigonata


Thin body and laterally flattened. Scales smooth.Head distinctly broader than neck.Large eye with vertical pupil.Tail is very long. Light brown or tan with darker zigzag markings which may be connected. Mark as English letter “Y” on head. Underside white or tan with black spots (not always) on the partial edges.

Length: 2.66ft to maximum 4.16ft


Scales in 21: 21: 15 oblique rows. Vertebral larger than the adjacent scales. Ventrals 206-256; anal entire; subcaudals 75-96, paired.

Habitat and Reproduction:

They are found in mixed deciduous forest. Spends the day coiled up in Palmyra fronds, among bushes, in thatched roofs, under tree bark or stone. Mild venom can paralyze small prey. The species is oviparous and a female lays eggs in a clutch of 3-10 in North India during August. The eggs are laid in holes and under rocks.

Bite and venom

They are mildly venomous and possess neurotoxic venom but not very effective to human. When disturbed, may coil tightly, strike repeatedly, and vibrate tail.


Common cat snake has distribution throughout India and most of South Asia except Andaman & Nicobar Island. This species is observed in Chhattisgarh and mostly recorded from dense forest areas. Very few encounters with humans have been recorded so far.



Common cat snake is mildly venomous in nature and resembles saw scaled viper, these make the species vulnerable to killings by human. Road kills and deforestation also made this species vulnerable. 

Important Tags

Common Cat snakeColubridae Boiga trigonata

Common Cat snake
Scientific Name
Boiga trigonata
Samanya Manjra
Venom Type
Look Like
Saw scaled viper


Bio-Diversity OF CG

Indian Tree Shrew (Anathana ellioti)
Colour: Grey/Brown Length &n

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